I have had some problem with my Tripit badge on the left of the screen. For some strange reason it wouldn’t load on my Google Chrome. It would load if I would open this page with Firefox or IE though. The weirdest thing is that after loading it from Firefox or IE, I could then load it with Chrome.
So I decided I would take a different approach and cache the badge somewhere.
Here is how to do it:
First get the URL of the javascript file of your badge.
Here is the code of my badge:
<div id="tripit-badge"><script type="text/javascript"
<a href="https://www.tripit.com/">TripIt - Organize
your travel</a></noscript></div>
The red part is what I am interested in.
So I am going to create a crontab in order to download that file on a regular basis.
I’ll run it every 10 mins:
*/10 * * * * wget https://www.tripit.com/blabla/badge.js \
-O /var/www/cache/badge.js
Then I’ll change the badge code to the following:
<div id="tripit-badge"><script type="text/javascript"
<noscript><a href="https://www.tripit.com/">TripIt -
Organize your travel</a></noscript></div>
Note the red part again:
Be careful not to link to my js file…