How to download a youtube video under linux command line

Here is a great python script very useful to download an HD video from Youtube using the command line in Linux.

It’s very simple, download and run. The result is an mp4 file that you can watch offline with VLC or Media Player Classsic under Windows or any other mp4 player under Linux.

Export putty settings

It looks like your putty sessions are stored in the registry.

Start up the registry editor: regedit.exe (on Windows 7, hit the windows key and type regedit.exe)
Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SimonTatham
Right click on "Sessions", choose export. Give a name. Email the file.
On the other computer, get the file, save it, right click on it, click on merge. Done

How to get rid of conduit as a default search engine in Firefox

So it looks like this conduit thing is stuck in your browser.

First, why would any company want to do that.
A bit of datamining, a lot of google adverts money.

I don’t know for sure but maybe this company which is by the way providing some nice software most of the time, is keeping records of the searches you are entering in google. They probably don’t really build any profile on you but at least they get a good idea of what the people they are connected to are looking for on the web.

How to delete empty line with vi

How to delete empty lines with vi?

Just type this in:


NOTE:  This means that all the lines that just have a carriage return on them (NO Spaces), will be removed. 

If you want to remove lines with empty spaces as well:

<esc>:g/^ *$/d

rename and shorten many files with bash

Bash supports a surprising number of string manipulation functions.

For example if you want to get rid of the beginning of the name of a file or a folder on many files at a time you could do the following:

bash> ls
bash> for i in *
> do
> mv $i ${i:6}
> done
bash> ls
So to extract the end of a variable after a NUMBER of characters you just need to specify ${variable:NUMBER}

How to remove a Compeed from a sock

Compeeds have saved my life numerous times already. Some people can’t stand them, I am a strong believer and I cannot go running, play rugby, or go for a long hike without having one in my pocket.

They are so good that you can actually recover almost instantly from a blister. If there is blister forming under your foot, that’s where Compeed is the best, when the blister is not there yet but you know that if you go on for another 10 minutes it will turn into a blister.